Rubber Testing guarantees prompt personal service to our customers and can tailor a testing program for your individual needs.
FREE Two Year Testing on Rubber Gloves with Purchase of Gloves!!!*
*Shipping not included.
Testing and Inspection Services are offered for:
- Rubber gloves
- Rubber sleeves
- Rubber blankets
Testing Process
Testing of gloves and sleeves begins with the installation of a non-conductive label that identifies a particular item. This label is used for tracking and documentation and also allow the protective equipment to be assigned to specific employees and customer code.
Gloves and sleeves are fist washed in a mild soap solution and dried. The items are then inflated and carefully inspected for cuts, tears, punctures, abrasions, or any conditions that could adversely affect the dielectric integrity of the item. If any of these conditions are present, the item fails the visual inspection and is rejected and immediately rendered unusable to prevent accidental reuse. Gloves and sleeves then undergo an electrical test as specifed by the "class rating" and the ASTM and OSHA standards. Again, any item that fails the electrical test is rejected and immediately renered unuable.
OSHA requirements in 29CFR 1910.137(b) cover the "in-service care and use" of rubber insulating equipment.
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